• (949) 287-8439
  • paideia@breakthrough.chat

The Power of Intelligence Questions

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Q: What is question and intelligence?
A: The world begins with the intelligent questions.

* What is the power of intelligence questions to produce short-term and long-term benefits and happiness for humanity? * What is an intelligence question?  What is not an intelligence question?  What is a rhetorical question?  What is not a rhetorical question?  What is a pseudo question?   What is not a pseudo-question?

* Do intelligence questions have the power to help deter and recover loss of memory, amnesia, dementia, Alzheimer's, and other chronic cognitive issues?  Do intelligence questions have the power to help activate, stimulate, awaken, and enhance human thinking, knowledge, and

* What other questions do you have to send me?

* Special appointments are available for private live chat with Paideia.

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Over 50 years Ancient Secret Wisdom of Guardian and Beyond Breakthrough.